ASME Section IX Bend Test 

This article provides information about ASME Section IX bend test requirements. Based on the ASME Code Section IX, we need to perform two tensile tests, two root bend tests and two face bend tests with the satisfactory result to be able to qualify our welding procedure specification.

The ASME Section IX Training Course is 2 days video training course and available online and the student that successfully pass the exam, receive I4I academy certificate with 16 hours training credit.  The API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspector, API 570 Piping Inspector, API 653 Storage Tank Inspector courses also cover ASME Section IX bend test requirements. 

Based on this code, the test specimen sizes should be based on Figures QW-466.1, QW-466.2, and QW-466.3. Please note, if your test specimens thickness is more than 3/4 inch, then instead of 2 face bend and 2 root bend tests, you have to conduct 4 side bend tests. 

The bend test also is used for welder performance test. You may perform a radiography or ultrasonic testing to qualify your welder, or you may perform 1 root bend test and 1 face bend test. Both methods are acceptable. Some welding process are excepted and welder only can be qualified by bend test and radiography and ultrasonic will not be acceptable. (Like GMAW with Short Circuiting)

Acceptance Criteria on ASME Section IX Bend Tset

The acceptance criteria for ASME Section IX bend test for both procedure qualification and welder performance qualification are same. No discontinuity more than 1/8 inch in the length (any direction) must be observed in the convex surface after the test. Any formation of crack and other discontinuity less than 1/8 inch will be acceptable. If there is a crack more than 1/8 but started from the edge of the test specimen, then will be acceptable. The edges are subjected to the stress concentration and should not be a case for rejection.

The result of bend tests must be reviewed in procedure qualification record. 

Similarly, it must be checked in welder performance qualification record (if qualified by bend test)


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