Construction Contractor Quality Control Plan

This article provides you information about Construction Contractor Quality Control Plan. This plan must be generated based on the contractor quality control manual and also the requirements of the plant owner or End-user inspection and test plan. The sample quality control plan is also provided in this article.

This plan collects all inspections and tests requirements from construction codes and standards and summarizes them in the simple table.

The construction contractor quality control plan is generated for specific projects. Here is sample QC plan for construction of an industrial plant.

If you need to immediately review quality control sheets, skip this section and scroll down to the end of this page.

 Purpose of Contractor Quality Control Plan

This quality control plan has been prepared to establish the quality control and Test to be conducted at the project work site.

Project Description in Contractor Quality Control Plan 

Project shall mean XXX unit located on the XXX of XXX, at XXX approximately XXX Kilometers from XXX.

Project Definition in Contractor Quality Control Plan 

COMPANY is XXX Company (Plant Owner)


TPI Third Party Inspection Agency is XXX Company


Construction Contractor is XXX Company

SPECIFICATION collectively means all technical specifications, drawings, requisitions and other technical documents referenced in contractual documents.

QUALITY CONTROL collectively means quality control of the construction works for compliance with the project specification and all the engineering and construction procedures, specifications, codes of practices and engineering standards pertaining to the contract and would be done by construction contractors.

Inspection Survey, Test and/or Examination and would be done by a Third Party Inspection Company.

FIELD INSPECTION RECORD means the individual record of a required test or Inspection.

MILL TEST REPORT A document generated by the manufacturer of material, which completely identifies the supplied material and the specification under which it was produced and reports all required test values necessary to demonstrate compliance with that specification.

VT is Visual Inspection.

DT is Dimensional Check.

M is Monitoring which is a Random Check by direct/indirect inspection to ensure the conformance of the item or activity.

H is Hold, which is work should not be continued until Inspection has been finished successfully.

MOM is Minutes of Meeting.

OPI is Opened Package Inspection.

W is Witness, which is when a construction contractor notifies the EPC contractor and the third party inspection agency regarding the day and the corresponding activity for the inspection. In the case that an EPC contractor and inspection agency is not present, the construction contractor will continue the respective activity.

RD is Review of Documents & Certificates.

WPS is Welding Procedure Specification.

PQR is Welding Performance Qualification Record.

WPQ is Welders Performance Qualification Certificate.

NDT is Non-destructive Testing.

PWHT is Post Weld Heat Treatment.

DFT is Dry Film Thickness.

P&ID is Piping and Instrumentation Diagram.

N/A is Not Applicable.

A is Approval, which is Review and Verification of Docs with applicable Specification, and is required prior to proceeding.

I.R. is Insulation Resistance.

SHOULD Indicates recommendation but not necessary.

SHALL Indicates a mandatory requirement.

 Scope of Work in Contractor Quality Control Plan

The quality control plan covers the general field of inspection and testing of piping, equipment, pipeline and structural steel, electrical, instrumentation, insulation and painting activities during construction, installation, pre-commissioning and, commissioning at XXX Project.

Contractor Quality Control Plan - Reference Documents

This is the list of related engineering documents issued by EPC contractors

Contractor Quality Control Plan - Documentation

Documents are prepared, reviewed, approved and issued by authorized personnel. Documents requiring multi-discipline review are identified together with the key personnel holding the primary responsibility and the parties who shall carry out the review.

Changes and revisions to the project documents are checked and approved by the same discipline/group that conducted the check and approval of the original documents. Reasons for, outline of, and points of the changes and revisions are indicated in the documents or in their attachments.

The type of documents to be controlled, the elements of control and the numbering system to be used on the PROJECT are defined.

The Document Control system

  • Identify the key documents, e.g., documents for progress measurement (such as P&IDs and Plot Plans), documents to be reviewed by CLIENT or requiring approval by third parties (e.g., Licensors) or regulatory authorities
  • Allow access to the project personnel and CLIENT
  • Record the issue dates and status
  • Generate reports on the document status and warning reports for overdue documents

A document distribution matrix is prepared, which relates data and document types to interested parties. The distribution to the CLIENT and third parties is reviewed and agreed upon with such external parties. Distribution within an organization is specified by each section manger and reviewed by the Project Manager. Internal distribution is on an “as needed basis”, i.e., selective distribution and not indiscriminate distribution to a large number of project personnel. Key personnel ensure that the related disciplines/sections have been included in the distribution list.

A master copy of each document is kept in a Centre File. When updated documents are issued, the previous revision is marked “Superseded”.

Contractor Quality Control Plan - Quality Records

The quality records control (including Quality Control Records ) is the responsibility of the QC Manager. The quality records include:

  • The person in charge for specific items
  • The identification of regulatory and CLIENT requirements for permanent records
  • Retrieval, filing and indexing of the fabrication record books
  • Submission format, quality of reproductions, number of copies and archive requirements
  • Final disposition at completion of the work
  • Results of reviews, inspections, tests, audits and materials certificates
  • Qualification of personnel, procedures and equipment
  • Non-conforming and corrective action reports
  • Other documentation, such as drawings, specifications

Test reports are prepared within 7 working days of test completion and are submitted on an immediate basis.

All repair procedure, specific method statements and Test Equipment Calibration Certificates, as required by the requisition, are reviewed approved prior to use.

In case of conflict, the orders of precedence are as follows:

  • Contract
  • AFC Drawings
  • Project Specification
  • Other relevant Project Specification
  • Applicable Codes and Standards

Contractor Quality Control Plan - Codes and Standards

The codes and standards that the contractor will follow will be laid out. These includes codes and standards for installation, construction, fabrication, inspection and/or testing of materials, services, or equipment for the XXX Project is in accordance with those specified in the contractual documents, purchase order, requisition specification, data sheets and drawings.

The Construction contractor will refer queries regarding the referenced codes and standards to the EPC CONTRACTOR and TPI for decision.

Material Receiving Quality Control

As soon as the equipment and materials are delivered to the site, receiving quality control is performed by the material controller. After receiving quality control, the material controller prepares the Material Receiving Report.

If any loss, damage or quality faults are found, a Shortage/Damage or Non-conformity Report is made and reported to the site manager using the "Shortage/Damage or Nonconformity Report".

Field Quality Control and Test

The quality control and test of field construction are carried out based on the inspection and test plan (ITP) issued by EPC Contractors and endorsement of the plant owner. Inspection and test that are not covered by the ITP shall be defined in conformity with issued drawings, specifications, codes and standards during the progress of the work execution stage depending upon specific WORK requirements.

Alteration is made in the form of changes as per specific WORK requirements from time to time.

The construction contractor informs in writing the EPC Contractor and TPI of the inspection points (WITNESS & HOLD), which are required to be witnessed before execution of any stage of the work.

Inspection and Test Plan

The EPC Contractor inspection and test plan has been considered in this quality control plan.

The construction contractor controls the individual inspection procedure for in-process or final quality control/testing, and records it. The records are the work instruction, checklists, and test records that give evidence that the work has passed quality control and/or testing with defined acceptance criteria.

The construction contractor holds pre-inspection meeting(s) with the EPC Contractor to resolve questions concerning compliance with the individual quality control procedure, specific quality control requirements, and related specification. The construction contractor arranges for meeting attendance by all necessary means to achieve resolution of technical questions, schedules, and quality control requirements.

Inspection Access

The construction contractor provides free entry to any part of site to the EPC Contractor and plant owner inspectors for testing /inspection, on any contracted portion of the project that is being performed.

The Construction contractor cooperates with the inspector to monitor, audit and visit plants or other inspection locations where work is undertaken as part of the scope of work for the project.


Non-conformances are classified as follows:

  • Major non-conformance: affecting the safety and operation of equipment or plant component.
  • Minor non-conformance: not designated as major non-conformance.

When a non-conformance is found, the non-conforming system or materials are marked or tagged. A non-conformance report showing the cause and recommended corrective action is prepared by quality control personal. Clarification of minor non-conformance would be the responsibility of the quality control manager.

For major non-conformities, all repair procedures prepared by the construction contractor would be submitted to the EPC Contractor and would be reviewed by the EPC Contractor for approval.

Required quality control in sufficient details is done during the execution of any and all repairs.

Inspection work-flow chart as per project specification

Site / Contractor Quality Control Plan Sheets

Contractor QC Plan for Piping Construction

Contractor QC Plan for Rotary Equipment Installation

Contractor QC Plan for Chilled Water Unit Installation

Contractor QC Plan for Civil Work

Contractor QC Plan for Electrical Equipment Installation

Contractor QC Plan for Fix Equipment Installation

Contractor QC Plan for Hot Oil Furnace

Contractor QC Plan for Instrument equipment Installation

Contractor QC Plan for Insulation Work

Contractor QC Plan for Painting Work

Contractor QC Plan for Silo and Hopper Construction

Contractor QC Plan for Steam Generator Package Installation

Contractor QC Plan for Steel Structure

Contractor QC Plan for Storage Tank Erection

Contractor QC Plan for Welding Work


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