Gasket Inspection and Test Plan

This content provides you with a sample Gasket Inspection and Test Plan. You need to add your construction code, acceptance criteria in this draft ITP.

It is also good you identify your required verifying documents and add to this ITP. The verifying documents ate test reports, quality control records, packing list,etc.

Each row in above ITP must have a verifying documents. The specified manufacturing standard also is necessary to be included in the ITP.

Your acceptance criteria must meet your manufacturing standards. In addition the vendor specification also must be stated in the ITP.

The ITP must be submited by purchaser to the gasket vendor. Vendor is responsibel to prepare gasket quality control plan and deliver to purchaser

This QC plan must meet the inspection and test plan requirements.

Gasket Inspection and Test Plan TaskVendorTPI InspectionClient
Gasket mill test reports(incl.heat treatment records,etc.)HHR
Gasket visual and dimensional controlHHR
Gasket alloy verification, when specifiedHWR
Gasket painting, coating, marking and color coding checkHWR
Gasket final visual inspection (including tagging, marking)HHR
Gasket documentation review prior to release(Final activity of Technical Inspection)HHR
Gasket Pre-shipment InspectionHHR

Gasket Inspection and Test Plan Points

H: Hold Point implies that relevant production activities shall not proceed until the continuation of work is permitted by Purchaser. (Notification req'd)

W: Witness point implies that Purchaser intends to witness the designated inspection feature. If Purchaser decides not to witness the relevant feature, production can proceed without permission of Purchaser. (Notification req'd)

R: Review inspection & test records (Notification not req'd)

The Gasket vendor is responsible to notify purchaser and third party inspector almost 7 days in advance. The purchaser will review the notification and will submit to the TPI inspection agency.

The inspector must attend to gasket manufacturer shop and carry out the inspection based approved inspection and test plan.


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