Third Party Inspection Agency

This article provides you the information about characteristics of Third Party Inspection agency. You may review this content in conjunction of the following articles:

Third Party Inspection

Third Party Inspection Services

Third Party Quality Inspection

Third Party Independent Inspection

History of Third Party Inspection Agency

In 19 century the industry grew fast, systematic international commerce and banking system created. The world had a specific procedure for import and export and custom system.

When the countries developed and international commerce, banking and custom systems created, then import and export started in great value across the world. Therefore, it was the essential requirement for being some independent third party inspection agencies to be involved in purchases and play a crucial role between importers and exporters.

In the start, third party inspection agencies were involved in finished goods inspection. Still, as the industry grew, industrial people realized that third party inspection agencies need to be involved in the production process.

So we can say the services provided by the third party inspection agencies had lots of improvement in the last 180 years ago.

  1. Ship Inspection
  2. Goods Inspection or Pre-Shipment Inspection
  3. Shop and Site Inspection
  4. In-service Inspection

The International Third Party Inspection companies have their own local offices or companies in each country. These offices are either branch offices or registered local companies under the name and brand of their mother companies.

Sometimes third party inspection agency also named third party inspection firms or third party inspection authority.


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